Thursday, December 24, 2015

Trump Supports Anti-Gay 'Religious Liberty' Bill

There are many reasons to view Donald Trump as a horrible person and frightening candidate. Now, there is yet another reason for LGBT Americans to view the man with revulsion.  Apparently rattled by Ted Cruz's rise in the polls - due largely from the endorsement of virtually every anti-gay hate group in Iowa - Trump has decided to join Marco Rubio in shamelessly prostituting himself to the Christofascist who demand special rights and want to be exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of the citizenry.  Tawdry whore have more integrity - and class - than Mr. Trump.  The New Civil Rights Movement looks at Trump's promise to work for enactment of a federal anti-gay "religious freedom" law.  Here are highlights:

In June, one week before the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage for same-sex couples, Republicans in the House and Senate introduced the First Amendment Defense Act to "protect" individuals and businesses who oppose same-sex marriage. The bill would allow them to continue discriminatory anti-gay practices under the guise of "religious liberty," without fear of the government stepping in to stop or penalize them.

Recently, six GOP presidential candidates signed a pledge to support the bill and, as president, sign it into law: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee.  Now, Donald Trump has offered support for the bill.

“If Congress considers the First Amendment Defense Act a priority, then I will do all I can to make sure it comes to my desk for signatures and enactment,” Trump wrote in a letter published by a conservative website, as the Washington Blade reports.

Former National Organization For Marriage chair Maggie Gallagher, now a senior fellow at the right wing American Principles Project Foundation, confirmed Trump's initial support.

Despite attacking and marginalizing minority groups and women throughout his presidential campaign, Trump for the most part has not targeted the LGBT community. This move may signal that's about to change.

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