Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Poll: 57% Of republicans Support Making Christianity The National Religion

I resigned from the Republican Party and gave up my seat as a precinct chair in Virginia Beach well over 20 some years ago when it became to me that the GOP no longer recognized the concept of separation of church and state or accepted that the First Amendment's promise of freedom of religion applied to all citizens, not just far right Christians.  Since the time of my exit from the GOP, the cancer in the GOP - i.e., the influence and control of the Christofascists - has truly metastasized as evidenced by a new poll that revealed that 57% of Republicans surveyed support making Christianity the established religion of the United States.  So much for the U.S. Constitution. Sadly, it's all about empowering the Christian Taliban in this country.  Here are highlights from Talking Points Memo:
The poll by the Democratic-leaning firm found that 57 percent of Republicans "support establishing Christianity as the national religion" while 30 percent are opposed. Another 13 percent said they were not sure. 

It almost goes without saying that the Establishment Clause of the Constitution prohibits establishing of a national religion.
Mike Huckabee, who wants to throw the U.S. Constitution in the trash and replace it with the Bible, must be thrilled.  The degradation of the GOP is nearly complete.  The Christofascists and increasingly, the GOP are a clear and present danger to our constitutional form of government. 

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