Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Guide To Stores That Won’t Ruin Their Workers’ Thanksgivings

Greed - both at the corporate level and individual level - is destroying Thanksgiving.   I personally plan to boycott retailers that are open today and depriving their employees of a family holiday and day off from work.  Instead, I will focus my purchase this holiday season at retailers who respect their employees and that are closed today.  Think Progress has a compilation of stores to avoid and stores that deserve your patronage.  

Here are retailers to boycott as well as those deserving of your support:
Click image to enlarge
Here is more from Think Progress:

Radio Shack told ThinkProgress that it will be closed “In honor of Thanksgiving and the time-honored tradition of gathering with family and friends.” Apple’s CEO Tim Cook reportedly reversed some stores’ decisions to open because he felt that it’s important for workers to be with their families.

Other stores say their workers are excited to work on the holiday. But at Kmart, which will open the earliest starting at 6 a.m. on Thursday, workers have reported being denied their requests to take the day off. Other workers may be volunteering to work because they get so few hours normally and need the extra money. Some may not have the vacation days to take the holiday, as the United States is the only advanced country that doesn’t guarantee all workers get paid vacation time.

But the stores that open early may not even see a benefit. They risk a big consumer backlash, with half of consumers saying they disapprove of the early hours. Two different polls have found that the vast majority don’t plan to shop on the holiday anyway. Shoppers and workers have also been petitioning stores to stay closed and give their employees a day off.

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