Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Romney Proves That He's A Small Minded, Lying Ass Even in Defeat

How someone deals with defeat often tells a lot about them as a person.  And sadly Mitt Romney has confirmed the many negative opinions that many of us developed as the campaign season progressed: pathological liar, flip flopper extraordinaire, out of touch plutocrat, etc.   In a conference call to supporters, Romney basically claimed that Barack Obama won the election only because of the "things" - i.e., bribes - that he gave to minorities and younger voters.  The shallow Romney just cannot admit that is own moral flaws - e.g., wanting to take from the poor to give to the rich - blatant dishonesty, and his prostitution of himself to the Christofascists, not to mention his math challenged budget "plan," had anything to do with a majority of Americans rejecting the Romney/Ryan ticket.  And let's not forget the rejection of the legitimate rape crowd in the current GOP.  The New York Times looks at Romney's refusal to look in the mirror and admit his own deficiencies and I would add, moral bankruptcy.  Here are article highlights:

A week after losing the presidential election to President Obama, Mitt Romney blamed his overwhelming electoral loss on what he said were big“gifts” that the president had bestowed on loyal Democratic constituencies — including young voters, African-Americans and Hispanics.

“With regards to the young people, for instance, a forgiveness of college loan interest, was a big gift,” he said.“Free contraceptives were very big with young college-aged women. And then, finally, Obamacare also made a difference for them, because as you know, anybody now 26 years of age and younger was now going to be part of their parents’ plan, and that was a big gift to young people. They turned out in large numbers, a larger share in this election even than in 2008.”

The president’s health care plan, he added, was also a useful tool in mobilizing African-American and Hispanic voters. Though Mr. Romney won the white vote with 59 percent, according to exit polls, minorities coalesced around the president in overwhelming numbers — 93 percent of blacks and 71 percent of Hispanics voted to re-elect Mr. Obama
Mr. Romney also echoed a theme from the campaign trail, saying that while the Mr. Obama “made a big effort on small thing,” his message had been about “big issues.”

“Our campaign, in contrast, was talking about big issues for the whole country—military strategy, foreign policy, a strong economy, creating jobs and so forth,” he said. “And by the way, as you’ll hear from Neil, our strategy worked well with many people, but for those who were given a specific gift, if you will, our strategy did not work terribly well.”

On the call, described as a “spin and grin” by someone who dialed in, Mr. Romney also made sure to thank his national finance team.

Fairly early on in the campaign Romney convinced me - and apparently many others -  that he is a spoiled, self-centered, narcissistic, out of touch rich brat who has no empathy with those not born into wealth and family position.  Worse yet, he continues to have an over weening sense of entitlement and, as demonstrated during his speech to millionaire donors in Boca  Raton, holds many Americans in nothing less than contempt.  Americans like my active duty son-in-law in Afghanistan who pays not income tax while deployed. 


Tempest Nightingale LeTrope said...

"Free contraceptives were very big with young college-aged women."
What a total sexist asshat. To me this implies that "college aged women" (whatever that means any more) are a bunch of randy sluts who think with their vaginas.
I'm proud to say that my middle aged vagina voted against this throwback.

Stephen said...

This variant of the notorious 47% remark shows that he even did not notice how badly that played outside his set.