Thursday, November 01, 2012

Catholic Bishop of Peoria Tells Parishioers "Vote Democrat and Go to Hell"

Once again I have to ask myself, where in the Hell is the IRS?  Why?  Because the porcine (why are so many of the bishops grossly obese?) Roman Catholic bishop of Peoria has through his choice of words basically ordered Catholics in his diocese to vote Republican or go to Hell.  Moreover, exerting his feudal lord like powers over diocesan priests, bishop Daniel R. Jenky (pictured above) has ordered every priest to read his fiat to the laity in the pews.  One can only hope that as word of the bishop's arrogance and partisanship sinks in that at least some Peoria Catholics will say they've had enough and will vote with their feet.  As I've noted numerous times, both the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America offer wonderful, almost identical options to Catholics who seek to escape the moral bankruptcy of the Catholic Church hierarchy.  Here are excerpts via the National Catholic Reporter from Jenky's batshitery filled letter to those he considers little better than ignorant, uneducated serfs:

By virtue of your vow of obedience to me as your Bishop, I require that this letter be personally read by each celebrating priest at each Weekend Mass, November 3/4. 

Dear Catholic Believers,

Since the foundation of the American Republic and the adoption of the Bill of Rights, I do not think there has ever been a time more threatening to our religious liberty than the present. .  .  .  .
This assault upon our religious freedom is simply without precedent in the American political and legal system. Contrary to the guarantees embedded in the First Amendment, the HHS mandates attempt to now narrowly define and thereby drastically limit our traditional religious works. They grossly and intentionally intrude upon the deeply held moral convictions that have always guided our Catholic schools, hospitals, and other apostolic ministries. 

Nearly two thousand years ago, after our Savior had been bound, beaten, scourged, mocked, and crowned with thorns, a pagan Roman Procurator displayed Jesus to a hostile crowd by sarcastically declaring: Behold your King. The mob roared back: We have no king but Caesar. Today, Catholic politicians, bureaucrats, and their electoral supporters who callously enable the destruction of innocent human life in the womb also thereby reject Jesus as their Lord. They are objectively guilty of grave sin.

For those who hope for salvation, no political loyalty can ever take precedence over loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ and to his Gospel of Life. God is not mocked, and as the Bible clearly teaches, after this passing instant of life on earth, God's great mercy in time will give way to God's perfect judgment in eternity.

I therefore call upon every practicing Catholic in this Diocese to vote. Be faithful to Christ and to your Catholic Faith. May God guide and protect his Holy Church, and may God bless America.

True, Jenky does expressly order members of the diocese to vote only for Republicans, but one need not be a rocket scientist to get the coded message.  I'd also note that today, I have not heard a peep out of Jenky on the need to rid the Church hierarchy of those who aided and abetted sexual predator priests.  But that, of course, would mean that he'd have to demand Benedict XVI relinquish his crown.  For those in the hierarchy who are motivated principally by a quest for power and privilege that act of moral courage and righteousness will never happen.

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