Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Campaign Ad Highlights Obama's LGBT Rights Efforts

While it will surely cause lots of flying spittle and near convulsions among the Christofascists and their political whores within the GOP -  including Mitt "I Had Five Great Grandmothers" Romney - a new Obama campaign ad is highlighting the advances in LGBT rights that have taken place in Obama's first term - even if often in reaction to fears that the LGBT ATM might be closed down.   The associated video (set out below) is entitled "Keeping His Word: Equality for LGBT Americans"  and includes references toObama's signing the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Obama's positions needless to say are in sharp contrast to those of Mitt Romney which I summarized in a post earlier in the week:

Romney, of course, opposes marriage equality. Romney supports DOMA. Romney has pledged to write anti-gay bigotry into the U.S. Constitution. Romney opposed the repeal of DADT. Romney opposes the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Romney opposes adoptions by same-sex couples
One can only assume that Obama is seeking to play to the majority of Americans who now support marriage equality.  A group that includes Hispanic voters, the youth vote, a majority of Roman Catholics and a majority of moderates.     In contrast, Romney's positions pander to religious fanatics and aging white bigots.  Given the GOP's increasing religious extremism and racism one has to wonder when being a card carrying member of the KKK or membership in Opus Dei or the Southern Baptist Convention will become a prerequisite for GOP membership (of course, a lobotomy might soon also be a prerequisite)..


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